In the 1968 the All Japan Kendo Federation recognized the importance of Jodo and felt that its study would be beneficial to the students of Kendo and Iaido. Accordingly, 12 representative forms were taken from the Shindo Muso Ryu to form The All Japan Kendo Federations standard Jodo forms called Seitei Kata. Today’s Jodo techniques basically comprise three separate types of training:
Tandoku Dosa – (individual practice)
This are 12 basic techniques exercise by oneself to help improve technical correctness and performance. The basic kihon are found throughout the kata from which they are extracted, to be practiced and improved and then to be put back into the kata.
Sotai Dosa – (paired practice)
These are the same 12 basic techniques practiced as a pair with one person performing the Jo movement and the other (normally the senior) performing the Tachi (sword) movement. Sotai dosa is designed for the student to put the basic technique to use in an interaction with an attacker in order to understand correct timing and distance.
Kata (form)
Involving the Jo against a swordsman. The techniques (Kata) are continuous sets of fighting movements which reflect a combative situation (jokyo) while maintaining the logical and practical reasoning (riai) behind the encounter. The more complex techniques comprise multiple attacks and defensive moves from the sword and Jo.