Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Jodo Kata

In the 1968, it was felt that the study of Jodo would be beneficial for Kendo practitioners and, drawing on some of the older forms, Shimizu created the 12 standard forms or Kata known as Seitei Gata practiced today by all members of the AJKF and isolated 13 basic techniques into individual and paired practice drills, known as Tandoku Dosa and Sotai Dosa respectively.

Tandoku Dosa - Individual Techniques

Sotai Dosa - Paired Techniques

  1. Honte uchi - Basic hand strike
  2. Gyakute uchi - Reverse hand strike
  3. Hiki otoshi uchi - Pull down strike
  4. Kaeshi tsuki - Change and thrust
  5. Gyakute tsuki - Reverse hand thrust
  6. aki otoshi - Rolling drop
  7. Kuri tsuke - Winding press
  8. Kuri hanashi - Winding release
  9. Tai atari - Body strike
  10. Tsuki hazushi uchi - Displace thrust and strike
  11. Do-barai uchi - Sweeping the abdomen strike
  12. Migi tai hazushi uchi - Evade body strike (right)
  13. Hidari tai hazushi uchi - Evade body strike (left)

Seitei Gata - Standard forms

  1. Tsuki zue - Walking stick
  2. Suigetsu - Solar plexus
  3. Hissage - Draw back
  4. Shamen - Slope
  5. Sakan - Left thrust
  6. Monomi - Looking out
  7. Kasumi - Mist
  8. Tachi otoshi - Knocking down the sword
  9. Rai uchi - Thunder strike
  10. Seigan - Aiming at the eyes
  11. Midare dome - Stopping chaos
  12. Ran ai - From chaos to harmony